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Gently remove impurities from sensitised skin with this anti-inflammatory cleanser
which helps to calm and cool irritation. This milk cleanser aids in defending against sensitivity caused by exposure to pollution, a harsh climate and other environmental influences. Contains no artificial fragrance or colour.

Inflammation Defence Cleanser

  • Defensil®-Plus - Is a highly effective treatment that alleviates stressed, sensitive and irritable skin. Thespecial properties of Blackcurrant Seed oil and Balloon Vine extract in  combination with Sunflower Oil Concentrate effectively reduce inflammatory processes and replenish the damaged skin barrier.

    Arnica Extract - Offers anti-inflammatory and stimulating activity. Normalises superficial microcirculation,activates the reabsorption of cutaneous blood effusion (bruises). Effective against dark circles, improves
    capillary tissue quality (regeneration of the keratin fibre, regulation of the sebaceous function).

    Comfrey Extract - Is potent skin-healing agent particularly beneficial for sensitive skin. It aids wound repair, accelerates skin healing, and possesses anti-inflammatory activity.

    Green Tea Extract - Contains catechins and anti-inflammatory properties that help combat redness and inflammation. As well Green Tea contains EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) that reactivate skin cells that are being attacked by UV aggression and other environmental factors. Green Tea is one of the most powerful
    anti-oxidants known.

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